Making a Difference in Uganda was founded by Beth in 2017 after travelling to Uganda to volunteer and falling in love with the country, people and culture. As a nurse with years of volunteer experience Beth saw a huge need for ongoing support and care for the vulnerable people in Uganda. Beth met a number of local people with organizations doing amazing things who had a strong focus and dedication to ensuring their projects could be sustainable long term. Rather than existing for profit or volunteer tourism they were addressing problems that faced their people, in ways that made sense. Beth wanted to give others an opportunity to experience how special it was and use their own skills and experiences to make a difference. Making a Difference in Uganda focuses on partnering with local organizations and people and growing their programs through donations, sponsorship and volunteers. It is founded on the belief that giving these people encouragement, hope and support is the best way to help them achieve. Having spent much time in the country we understand how to support local customs and initiatives. ​ We have a range of programs, primarily focusing on medical outreaches in rural areas and the slums, education and caring for young people living in the slums.
Mission Statement: Making a Difference in Uganda is a nonprofit organization. The purpose of our organization is to bring volunteers to support local organizations with transforming the lives of vulnerable Ugandan children and offering services to improve the health and wellbeing of impoverished Ugandans.
When you volunteer with Making a Difference in Uganda, you have a unique opportunity to truly make a difference and make a positive change in people’s lives.